Saturday, January 31, 2009

YCMT Quilt Need HELP!!!!

OK I feel mighty stupid right now. I laid my squares on point as in Option 2. I filled in with the triangles. I then sewed it together. And THIS is what I have. It looks NOTHING like what it's supposed to look like. NOTHING square about it. HELP!!! Kim, How can I fix this mess????


Anonymous said...

I think all you need to do is square off the edges... I would wait for the directions for the corners and for Kim's help. I haven't sewn my triangles yet because I just don't know what fabric to use...

Three Prince Designs said...

I am sorry- I do not know

Kristina said...

First you have to square off your edges. Take a clear quilting ruler and make sure the edges of the blue triangles meet with the edges of your squares.. does that make sense? The top and side triangle instructions will be coming for YCMT soon, don't fret, it will look gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Kristine helped! I just saw your message. Your next post with the photo looks awesome. I'm posting about the corners next.

Kim :)

Carla Hegeman Crim said...

Yep - looks like all is well now! I'm really looking forward to the next step!!!