Thursday, January 29, 2009

Am I Stuck in a Time Warp?

Lordy, it's no longer the beginning of the week. It is now closer to the END of the week and to the weekend. I feel like I've lost a few days in the week--as I have been pretty good about getting at least a little bit written everyday--and a little progress on other things. Now I think I've been lost in a time warp of some sort.

Maybe its because we have been talking about Chinese New Year all week. Does that mean I'm back at Jan 1 and I didn't know it? No, Chinese New Year didn't start until Jan. 26--which was also Australia Day. So for all of you Down Under, Happy Belated Australia Day. From pictures I've seen it was sunny, warm and beautiful weather for you--while we here in the states have been suffering with cold, colder, and coldest temps! South Mississippians are certainly no strangers to cold, but not THIS cold for THIS long! Now back to Chinese New Year.

I knew that the Chinese New Year did not (or rarely) falls on the same day as most of us celebrate the New Year; but I never knew why. Who says you can't teach a teacher? I have found out that they celebrate the new year based on a lunar calendar. In addition, the celebration can last up to 15 days with the completion of the celebrations comprising of a lantern parade. And here I thought that they only had the lanterns and dragons and fireworks on one day. Of course for those in the states that have had to Americanize things, many times their celebrations are on the 1st of their new year and the 15th with smaller family and community celebrations in between. I also didn't know that the color red is THE color for the Chinese New Year--with other colors splashed in.

So we have entered the year of the ox--hmmmm if memory serves me right, I was born in the year of the ox as well. Does that mean its going to be a good year for me? Compared to the last couple of years, I certainly hope so. It is about time things started going in the good direction for us. Don't take me wrong, we haven't had BAD years; they've just been mediocre years. We certainly haven't had years as bad as some that we've known or read about. And I certainly cannot see us getting to the point of the poor family in the news that killed their five children and themselves. But it would be nice to have a GOOD year! So far, I think we're on the right road; we have found out we'll be first time grandparents in May; Dave's oldest is getting married in April; and I've found this wonderful circle of friends in blogland that are quilters, moms, women, organizers, designers, hand and machine embroiderers, crafters, thread artists, and all around great folks to check in with and talk to--and some even check in on my blog and talk with me! In addition, many of these bloggers are good, strong faithed women that have a good relationship with their/our God. Now what more could you ask for than that!?! So as I said, so far, we're on the right road to a great year!

That being said, here's to a great year, great quilts, great friendships, and great faith for this new year--whether it is the calendar used by most in the Americas, Africa, Europe, Australia, etc. or if it is the lunar calendar used by the Chinese. And as a special new year's treat for myself, I gave my blog a bit of a facelift. Since you all have found out my not-so-secret love of Disney and all things Disney, I found this blog template and header called Mickey's Twin Sister on Ashley has many free as well as those you pay for backgrounds, templates, etc. etc. etc. Go check her out and see what you and she can come up with if you're looking for a bit of a facelift for your blog!

The clock says it is time for my coach to return to a pumpkin--so I shall call it a night and hopefully tomorrow I'll get to show you some actual work I've gotten done instead of just running my mouth!


Courtney said...

Thanks for your comments! I'm so glad you like the idea, I hope it helps!

The Mr. Linky is up now if you want to go add your name! :)

Simone de Klerk said...

I enjoyed reading this very much! You have a nice and easy way of writing (O: What class do you teach?

Jaya P said...

hey, it happened to me day i was bundling the kids off to school after the weekend, and ...blink! was friday and i was thinking "what diid i do all week?" . and dont worry about running your enrich my life just by putting your thoughts to paper. er, blog. someday, i wish i could do something like you.