This is what the actual fabric square "block" looks like!
I also wanted to thank Kris for helping me figure out why my YCMT quilt was not looking as it should. Once I took her suggestion to trim off the excess of the triangles, this is what it looked like.
Good luck figuring out which are the original sewn squares and which are the ones that now look like they were originally sewn together. Trust me, I sewed the thing and I have troubles figuring it out--except going from the outside squares in--and then I lose track somewhere in the middle! I guess that's a good thing?There was more that I wanted to discuss today, but I will save it for another time--as my coach has already turned into a pumpkin, my coachman is back to being Gus the dog--who is already asleep NOT waiting for me, and the horses? well they've turned back into 4 of my cats. So I shall go find the bed and see what will become of BLUE MONDAY tomorrow!
Absolutely love your blog....infact, I could not find the year of the ox mobile....I thought that would be a great scout activity....
beautiful quilts. thnx for giving me some tips :)
Very impressive!
I love your idea for the calendar quilt. It's neat that you'll have something on the back to help you remember why you chose a particular fabric. What a fun project.
Your pinwheels quilt is great! It reminds me of one of those optical illusion pictures. The more you look at it the more it changes. It really looks like it's moving. I love it!
It looks lovely Shelly. Were we to sew the quilt together? I only sewed the rows together. Back to the sewing machine for me.
Your quilt looks great! Love the colors and how you arranged the pinwheels.
Your quilt is coming along beautifully!
I just love your calendar quilt! You're making every day special. WOW! The pin wheel quilt is a beauty too.
Hi Shelly!
Good news -- the final steps (of the quilt top) are posted on the new blog - Then we'll move on to the quilting part. :) Thanks for being a part of it!
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