Sunday, March 8, 2009

Tackle it Tuesday & Finish it Friday on Saturday!

I know many of you have seen this icon over at Courtney's place. I NEVER seem to be able to get things tackled on Tuesdays. I decided that no matter what DH was planning on; that this was my Tackle it Tuesday/I mean Saturday. So I tackled LAUNDRY!!!! What is it with laundry that feels like it is never done? I mean other than the fact that if you get all the laundry washed, dried, folded, hung, put in their rightful places that you still have clothes on that will need to be washed. How can 2 people end up with 10+ loads of laundry in a week? Ok so its been two weeks-but we've been done 3 loads during the week as well. I guess it doesn't help that we both have clothes that we wear to work, come home change into something to bum around the house in, plus towels and sheets and things. But OMG I feel like a laundry monster has come and is growing to the point it is taking over the house! And I don't mind washing and drying it and I really don't mind folding it. But for some reason I just hate having to put it away-especially with all the clothes I have to find hangars for. Now why is it that you know you took something off a hangar, but when you go to put it back ON a hangar after it's washed all the hangars have disappeared? Kind of like socks--why is it you put 2 socks in the laundry but only have 1 when you go to fold and put away? OK OK enough about laundry--I got 5 loads done yesterday, that only leaves um, 7 or 8 loads for today! UGHHHHHHHHH
Remember this little dude from Friday? Well, Friday was NOT the day I got anything accomplished! Unless you call going to a funeral and then going to our school's alumni ball getting things accomplished. Of course I had a blast at the ball, getting to see so many of my former students; and since this is my 23rd year teaching there MANY of the attendees were former students! I just love seeing them--and they love the attention from all their former teachers--whether they can remember us or not.
I was so tired when I got home that I just crashed--not as in my car, but as in walked in, changed clothes, went to bed and was OUT!
So I chose Saturday to work on some of those almost forgotten UFOs lying around the sewing room. I had put all of this away into a bin, put the bin away and promptly forgot about it! Out of site, out of mind. I thought that just maybe you'd like to see some of what I finished up yesterday--and still have 12 more to go to have to the completely finished point. These were all in various stages of completion when I pulled them out of the bin--and no 2 are alike.

All of the designs on these bib and burp sets come from Embroodles. Kim and I worked on these designs together last summer to add to her embroidery line. Some were my idea and some were hers. But either way, if you'd like to purchase any of these designs, go see Kim at Embroodles.

Don't you just love my model? He doesn't cry or wiggle when I'm trying to get pictures! LOL

All of the bibs have the back of the bib as the same fabric as the "trim" on the burp cloth. Well, all except the one below.

This is front and back of this one. I didn't have enough of the fabric to use as the entire back, so I stripped it instead. I think it turned out pretty cool--if I do say so myself.

Thought I'd show you the front and back of one more that does have the matching fabric as the back instead of just seeing the one that is stripped. Just so you can see what I'm up to! LOL


Carlotta said...

Good morning Shelly! I have that same problem with laundry duty over here. I have started to enlist the help of my children more though. I mean really, the majority of the clothes are theirs anyway.

I love the bib and burp cloth sets. I used to make those all the time, but I don't have an embroidery machine. My favorite is the dragon set. We're really into dinosaurs and dragons over here. What kind of embroidery machine do you have? I'm looking around to purchase one, finallly.

~Tootles for now!

Barb said...

I am having such fits with my computer, I think it is the internet but my computer keeps freezing frustrating. Love the bib and the shout out below...thanks a bunch....

Simone de Klerk said...

The cloth sets are gorgeous. Great designs and colors (O:

a good yarn said...

I love the burp sets! Fabulous!. Don't talk to me about laundry - it's cousin ironing comes a close second. Really, there are better things to do with my time.

Like stitiching!

Cheers...Ann :)

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

I love the bibs and burps..especially the one with the stripped back :)

Missy said...

Ughh! Laundry. If there is a worse chore I can't think of one. I've even asked my family if they'd just go naked, to save me from having to wash more clothes. They didn't go for it...go figure!

The bib and burp cloth sets are really cute. I too especially like the striped back. Very cute!

Three Prince Designs said...

So cute!!!! I am glad you are back to your old self- so wonderful

Kristina said...

Wow Shelly, you've been busy!!!!
I LOVE the bibs and matching burp cloths, how adorable!
And don't worry, I know the laundry monster well.I had assumed he only terrorized me, but I am glad to know that he is venturing on to torturing other people.

Kris said...

oh wow! All those sets are SO CUTE! I just love lil' fun sayings like that!