Friday, March 27, 2009


Alright folks, I know that you feel like I've been held prisoner by the school and can't get back to you--well that's not totally untrue I guess. Or maybe I've been missing in action because I just don't want to blog anymore--totally NOT!!! Just busy? Boy what an understatement! I have had paperwork at the school that is OMG drowning all of us at the school. Thanks to our state department of education things have changed once again and we have a different set of papers and new things that we have to do for the end of the year paperwork! UGH!!! I wish they'd just find something and stick to it for a few years instead of changing it every year!

In addition, I've been dealing with my DIL that is a 10 hour drive away falling and going into labor 7 weeks early! She has not delivered yet--but it is still risky if she does--she's still 4 1/2 weeks early. Then my DD that is pregnant got in a wreck last night that caused her to spin the car twice on a bridge, hitting the guard rail twice! So it has been very stressful to say the least around here!

I wanted to let you know that there is a give away and a new site opening April 1--You Can Quilt This. Hop over to the YCMT blog and find out all about it and the give away. You can click on the button on the right to get there.

I also wanted to let you know about my new store--currently empty as all my pictures and all are on the computer at home. It is cheaper than Etsy and eBay. And if you sign up now, you can be a verified member for a lifetime fee of $7 a month instead of risking it increasing. I know Barb of Bewjeweled Quilts is already a member and has a store front there as well as Codi from Death by Denim have store fronts there. If you're interested, please let them know that Barb, Codi and I sent you there!
Well I guess without my pictures and without me doing much at home at the moment craftwise, I suppose I should stop here--but I did want Jen know that my swap blocks were mailed off and should be reaching you today or tomorrow at the latest. Ann you should be getting your package in the next week--DH mailed it and said that he was told it will be there in about 5 days. So be watching the mail!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sneak Peek

I want to give a sneak peek of what I've been working on . I've got a friend that reads my blog--so I can't exactly show you all of what I've done, but I can give a little peek. I've been working on a purse for her. So I will only show you the back of it. The front is personalized--so I can't very well show that! I certainly hope she loves it as much as I love the fabric in this. Of course I am known to be a bit more wild in color choices than most; but I am hoping she'll enjoy it. So here's my sneak peek.

It's not much of a peek, I'll agree, but you'll have to be satisfied with that until she receives it.

I've also hemmed three pair of pants--well actually hemmed 2 and cut off one pair for a pair of shorts for another friend. I guess the most I've done all day is gone to Wal-mart and searched through the remnants again! Seems that is one of my favorite things to do here lately.

While there I found some things for my DD for her birthday. Funny that no matter how old they get to be, the one thing we try to do is remember thier birthdays! Although her friends thought they were finally going to convince her to go out drinking with them--she fooled them! Since she's pregnant her 21st birthday will be alcohol free!

Gotta be short winded today, have LOTS to do between today and tomorrow. If I don't get it done, that's that much more that I will have to do later and there isn't much later to go when we're talking deadlines for work related things!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Time for a little catch up and a Few Pictures!

I see it is time I got off my oversized rear end and get to posting again. I have some catching up to do but first, I have to show you Mail Call today!!! I'm so excited!!!! I just can't believe that all of this came from the wonderful Ann, my swap partner in Darci's swap. I know at this point that Ann is thinking I've forgotten her, but I really haven't! You will see my dearest Ann. Ok, I have to get some pictures of ALL the lovelies that I've received. I'm just so excited to break into each and every little thing! But I'll show the pictures first!
A book about Australia, a key chain from there, CANDY--better yet CHOCOLATE!! and Cadbury chocolate too!-a pin cushion that is just the right size for ALL the pins I use!-buttons, embroidery thread, and OMG beautiful fabric!!! not to mention the oh sew sweet card from Ann.

Is this not the most beautiful batch of stuff from a beautiful lady? I can't tell you how much I LOVE this fabric pallette! I think my new granddaughter is going to like purple!! Especially since it is her daddy's favorite color! LOL I'll be sure to show you what all I make with it!

OK catch up: you remember when I put the ruffle on the jeans? I did two more pair of pants for Holly, one of the most precious children around--although I consider most children that way, but she is just too cute on top of being precious.
These are the other two I lengthened for her.

And this is the beautiful Holly in her newly made old jeans!

Now let's see, is there anything else artsy/crafty that I've been working on? Well, yes, but of course I don't have pictures of them! LOL I do have pictures of a solar system mobile we've been working on. The pictures are kind of hard to really see the mobile well; but that doesn't usually stop me from showing pictures! LOL

I'll try to remember to get pictures of the other things we've been working on as well. Won't promise I'll remember though!
But now that I have had my evening of Show-N-Tell, I'm heading to bed.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Tackle it Tuesday & Finish it Friday on Saturday!

I know many of you have seen this icon over at Courtney's place. I NEVER seem to be able to get things tackled on Tuesdays. I decided that no matter what DH was planning on; that this was my Tackle it Tuesday/I mean Saturday. So I tackled LAUNDRY!!!! What is it with laundry that feels like it is never done? I mean other than the fact that if you get all the laundry washed, dried, folded, hung, put in their rightful places that you still have clothes on that will need to be washed. How can 2 people end up with 10+ loads of laundry in a week? Ok so its been two weeks-but we've been done 3 loads during the week as well. I guess it doesn't help that we both have clothes that we wear to work, come home change into something to bum around the house in, plus towels and sheets and things. But OMG I feel like a laundry monster has come and is growing to the point it is taking over the house! And I don't mind washing and drying it and I really don't mind folding it. But for some reason I just hate having to put it away-especially with all the clothes I have to find hangars for. Now why is it that you know you took something off a hangar, but when you go to put it back ON a hangar after it's washed all the hangars have disappeared? Kind of like socks--why is it you put 2 socks in the laundry but only have 1 when you go to fold and put away? OK OK enough about laundry--I got 5 loads done yesterday, that only leaves um, 7 or 8 loads for today! UGHHHHHHHHH
Remember this little dude from Friday? Well, Friday was NOT the day I got anything accomplished! Unless you call going to a funeral and then going to our school's alumni ball getting things accomplished. Of course I had a blast at the ball, getting to see so many of my former students; and since this is my 23rd year teaching there MANY of the attendees were former students! I just love seeing them--and they love the attention from all their former teachers--whether they can remember us or not.
I was so tired when I got home that I just crashed--not as in my car, but as in walked in, changed clothes, went to bed and was OUT!
So I chose Saturday to work on some of those almost forgotten UFOs lying around the sewing room. I had put all of this away into a bin, put the bin away and promptly forgot about it! Out of site, out of mind. I thought that just maybe you'd like to see some of what I finished up yesterday--and still have 12 more to go to have to the completely finished point. These were all in various stages of completion when I pulled them out of the bin--and no 2 are alike.

All of the designs on these bib and burp sets come from Embroodles. Kim and I worked on these designs together last summer to add to her embroidery line. Some were my idea and some were hers. But either way, if you'd like to purchase any of these designs, go see Kim at Embroodles.

Don't you just love my model? He doesn't cry or wiggle when I'm trying to get pictures! LOL

All of the bibs have the back of the bib as the same fabric as the "trim" on the burp cloth. Well, all except the one below.

This is front and back of this one. I didn't have enough of the fabric to use as the entire back, so I stripped it instead. I think it turned out pretty cool--if I do say so myself.

Thought I'd show you the front and back of one more that does have the matching fabric as the back instead of just seeing the one that is stripped. Just so you can see what I'm up to! LOL

Friday, March 6, 2009

Catching Up-Finish it Friday!

Most anyone that is a lurker on my blog knows that I generally keep up with not only my blog several days a week (if not 7 days a week) and knows that if you are on the list of those I follow or subscribe to, I comment on most all of your posts. You have found me absent in not only MY postings but even more so on the commenting of YOUR posts here lately. Seems there haven't been enough hours in the days here lately. But I am giving a good effort to go back and comment on some--several--of the posts I've read through my google reader but have not previously commented on. There are ONLY 154 posts have to go back through, but I'm trying diligently to get through them all. So IF I get through all of them I will call that my FINISH it FRIDAY task of the day!

Are you interested in trying to finish up some of those unfinished objects that you have lying around? If so, go to Sister to Sister and hook up with Mr. Linky. You can then go around and see all the others that are participating in Finish it Friday!
Don't you just love this little award? Well it is NOT one that I'm giving away! You have to Grab it for yourself in the event that you deserve it. Only YOU can decide if you qualify for it or not. Only you can put it on your blog because YOU CAN'T REMEMBER SQUAT!! Around my house I am the one that suffers from CRS. I can't remember where I put the lists and notes to remind me to do something. I can't always remember to write the reminder to myself. I can't remember what the reminder is supposed to be for! I can't remember where I put my glasses. I can't remember what the name of things are--let alone my own kids--you know the drill, you go through the list of all the kids and animals names just to end up saying "YOU, the one in the green shirt, whatever your name is. . ." So I definitely can't remember sh*t! That's why I grabbed it off Barb's blog this morning! Dory is just perfect for me (oh, and did I forget to mention? She's a DISNEY character? LOL).

Speaking of Barb, See these beautiful little bags she has made? Well these are part of a Round Robin Give Away! Never heard of a Round Robin give away before? Doesn't surprise me, she just made it up. But what an awesome idea it is. Here is how it works. IF you are a follower of Barb's blog AND leave a comment on her site you will be entered into the give away. Whichever person wins will be sent all four bags + a gift from Barb. That person will then choose ONE of the four bags to keep. The remaining three bags will then be sent to someone who is a follower of his/her blog who leaves a comment on the blog saying something about wanting to enter the round robin give away and will continue it, with a gift from you for them. That person keeps one bag and sends the remaining two bags and a gift on to a follower who has left a comment. That person then keeps the last bag and the gift from the person. So all in all, there will be 4 winners in this Round Robin event. Each of the winners must be followers of the person's blog that they received it from and must comment on it. When they receive their bag + gift, they need to post a picture of the bag and gift on their blog and link it back or tell who's blog they received it from. That way even the fourth winner will be able to get readers from each blog that the previous person followed. I don't know that I explained all of that correctly. Barb can explain it better I'm sure since it is her idea! LOL If you want to participate, go to HER blog initially and be a follower and leave a comment. If you win, I'm sure we'll all come to your blog to be a follower and enter (again) with you and so on.
OK that gets me caught up with Barb's blog, on to the next person in the lineup! I may have to revise this post many times today as I find new giveaways and prizes and things to do for you to participate in as well. So even if you've already read this--check back later to see what else I've seen to share with you.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Awe, the day that I was hatched--I mean born! 48 years ago today I was born in a little city outside of an Air Force Base in Florida while Daddy was stationed in Korea and was then transferred to Korea for an additional 5 months before seeing me. Mom isn't around to share my birthday, but Daddy is and I'm SOOOOO grateful for that! And now, 48 years later, I'm gearing up to be a gramma. Even Grampa Dave is starting to get excited and wanting to buy things and send to one and buy things to put up for the second one due in October!

I guess I can understand now how my grandparents (they were in Ohio and Indiana) felt being half the country away from Mom when she was pregnant with me. I'm here in MS while my son and wife are in NC.

But I will be here through all of my daughter's pregnancy. She is getting excited about being pregnant but has decided she really doesn't LIKE being pregnant! She doesn't like the morning sickness, the constipation problems, the hemroids that follow, the frequent urination, the feeling full fast (and she's only 9 1/2 weeks pregnant! think what she'll be like at 9 months! LOL). Gee, I shouldn't snicker at all these things. But it is kind of fun knowing that here she is complaining about all these things when she used to think how easy pregnant people had it! ROFLMAO

Sorry no pic(s) today, but we didn't take any. So you'll just have to make due with a SHORT post today!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mail Call Pics!

OK so I'm not quite as tired as I was last night! Lordy the mistakes I made in the post last night! But, I'm here today with pics from the mail!

I don't know why I thought I was going to be able to claim the "ugly" quilt! My CATS have claimed it with full avengance! They have FOUGHT over who gets to lay on it and claim ownership of it! And here I thought that I won the quilt! LOL

Oreo guarding "HIS" quilt.

Oreo has pulled himself deep into "his" quilt.

Savannah claims new ownership for this quilt as "HERS".

Mater just pretends he isn't interested--just so he can try to get into the drawers and cabinets instead!

Here are the wonderful fat quarters from a swap and my lagniappe fabric from Barb! Aren't these fabrics just the most wonderful? I just have to figure out now what I'm going to do with them. I'm hoping the ladies I sent FQs to enjoy their fabric as much as I'm liking mine! It is so wonderful to be able to see the fabrics that others purchase and share.
The green fabric in the middle is from Barb that she sent as lagniappe with the "ugly" quilt. I'm going to have to find something special to make with that! I haven't exactly figured out what yet, but trust me, when I do--you'll be some of the first to know!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It's Late, but GOTTA Tell Ya!

Woo Hoo! Guess what came in the mail????? I got my UGLY QUILT!!! Lordy, I'm so tired, I can barely see the screen enough to see if I"m typing this right or not. If not, y'all will for give me, huh?

I'm so excited about my ugly quilt. Even dear hubby said she just didn't know what ugly was if THAT is waht she called ugly! She also sent the prettiest green fabric--I'll have to hide it from my son! Don't what I'm going to make with it yet, but I assure you, it will be something for ME! I can call it my ealry bday gift to myself--not that it will be done by then! But you get the idea.

Also got in a couple of more of my fat quarters in the fat qauarter swap! I'll get pics of all of them and get them on here soon. Don't want you to think I'm not appreciative or aren't receiving them. Hopefully y'all will get yours int he next day or so from me.

Ann--I haven't forgotten you--know you've sent my swap stuff to me--I just haven't made it to get it together--theis crud is getting the best of me. It iwll be in the mail by Friday I hoep at the latest.

If you havne't received an invite to be a Sassy Mama--consider this your invitation! Go to and join for free if you're a Sassy Mama! Be sure to invite me as a friend when you do--if I havne't arleady invited you!

I've got to go to bed now y'all. I'll be bakc with you tomorrow.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Taking What You Know the Best!

OMG, I always thought the best friends in the world were only found in face-to-face encounters--but I am here to tell you this morning that I truly have some of the VERY finest, best friends via the blogosphere! If I could meet you in person, and I truly would love to do that one day, I would give each of you a big hug. How can I ever thank you for your encouragement and support. Of course my Mom's way would have been to invite you over for a cup of coffee and pull a piping hot coffee cake out of the oven. That of course would be just a tad difficult to do over the internet--however, will this do? I make a mean cup of coffee--so I've been told--and I'll be more than happy to make you a cup; but excuse me if I drink iced tea or something else--coffee and I have never gotten along real great.

After gleaning all the wonderful encouragement from y'all and my good friend in Ontario, I went back to the "basics". I went back to doing what I KNOW I can do and do well. I had been given three pair of pants to "do something with--they still fit in the waist, but they are just too short on her" and some pants that need to be hemmed. That is something I have been doing for so long, I can almost do it in my sleep. Of course since the 3 pair of pants are size 18 mos I figured I'd start with them. You would think that I would have finished all 3 pair. However, once I got started and interrupted and started and interrupted (you all know the drill) this is what actually was accomplished.

These jeans turned into

and then I added a finishing touch to look like this.Well that was all fine and well, but this young lady of 5 years is always dressed so beautifully that I just felt that she needed a matching or coordinating top to go with it. (And yes, you did read that right, these are size 18 mos. jeans for a 5 year old. I guess if you're a regular follower, you know that these are for one of my special kids at school. The difference is, her mom works at the school with us and that's why I got them to work on in the first place.) So I saw this pattern I bought for my coming granddaughter and thought it'd be just too cute on her.
And here is the final product front and back. If I can ever catch her in it at schoool, I'll take a pic of her in it and ask her mom for permission to post it here so you can see how beautiful she is.