Everyone needs a place to call their own. What a better place to vent and share feelings with myself & others about the things I'm most passionate about, my: Lord, family, hobbies and just whatever pops into my head. Join me as I walk through days or months or specific activities. There is never a specific path that I follow--just the feelings or ideas of the day. And as you can tell, I don't always remember to return to the blog!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
ARK -- Acts of Random Kindness
The commercial that is for one of the insurance companies (I think) shows the perfect examples of ARK. The acts that people do, see and then do something for others is the wonderful way that God helps Evan learn how to change the world. We also could learn from these teachings. We don't have to be a community, city, county, state, nation of mean & rude, self-serving, unruly, unloving, greedy people. We should not expect everything to be given to us. We are reminded that those that originally came to this land had to work very hard just to stay alive--let alone to live either meagerly or prosperously. We have always been a nation that works and toils to receive and maintain the rights and freedoms that were so important to those first coming to this land. We should not expect our governments to do for us that that we will not do for ourselves.
We live in an area where Hurricane Katrina led many to the ARK way of life. However, in the process, some have become rude, selfish, and greedy, expecting people to give, give, give and not do anything to help do for themselves. They have become accustomed to the government paying for their housing, their food, and have not tried to achieve a livelihood that includes paying for their own home food, or anything else. They want everything handed to them from either a charitable organization, people that want to see them out of their plight or from the government. I wonder, are any of these people truly thankful for all they have received? Are they thankful for the help and kindnesses shown to them? Many I see that are working so hard to rise from the water and silt that still taints their lives are very thankful. Others though feel it is owed to them and are not at all thankful, but are still demanding more. How can these people be like this? Have we become so greedy and self-serving as a nation that there is no thankfulness left? I certainly hope not.
As part of the resolutions by President Lincoln and then President Roosevelt, we, as a nation, have set apart a day to be thankful for all of the ARKs in our lives, all the ARKs we can give to others, our families, our health, our careers, our friends, and any and everything else that we can be thankful for. We are the only nation (I think) that has a recognized national holiday where we should remember the things to be thankful for; as we have SO MUCH to be thankful for.
This last month has brought about ARKs and things for us to be thankful for in an unforseen manner. To begin with, today is November 25--so the first I will mention is that my son and his wife are celebrating their first anniversary. I don't hear from him, so I am hoping that this was a good year for the two of them.
I have already told about my daughter and her ARK--bringing home the kitten that had been dumped on her campus. Jaspar has been such a joy to watch as he grows and plays. We are very thankful for this ARK and I'm sure that Jaspar is also! After all, instead of foraging for scraps of food, left around campus by the students, he now has a home with other cats to play with and 2 dogs that not only tolerate him, but also will curl up with him to sleep and keep him warm.
The week before Thanksgiving we had a very sick cat, Oreo was taken to the vet and stayed for 2 days receiving IV treatments and being force fed. The doctor never could figure out what had made him so sick and dehydrated! However, we were very lucky that with the IVs and the feedings we were able to revive him back to his old playful self.
In the process, I had an ARK of my own. When I went to pick him up I saw in the cage next to Oreo's at the vet's office was this little, itty, bitty white and strawberry blonde kitten. The tag on the cage said, "One month old male, looking for a home." I told the vet, that if he was still there when we brought Oreo in for a recheck, I would probably take him home with me. Well the following week, I picked up Oreo and there was the little kitten, climbing the bars on the cage door. I just couldn't resist. This kitten had already had one ARK bestowed up on him--someone found him in a ditch alongside one of the busiest roads in town and brought him to the vet. Now we were going to take him home with us to give him a loving home to grow up in. To give you an idea of how tiny Mater is, the box (in the picture) he is laying in is a 6" square box! The vet was concerned that it would not work well with all of our other animals and him being so small. However, Gus and Jasmin (the two dogs) have been his protectors, he is small enough to get into places the two older kittens (Oreo and Jaspar) can't get into anymore, the two older cats (Donnie and Savannah) have taken to him quite well and the oldest cat (Junie) who stays outdoors has not had any contact with him as he stays inside. So we are thankful for our newest (and hopefully the last) 4 legged edition to the family and for all the other 4 legged family members as well.
We are thankful and proud that our daughters are part of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College--Perkinston Pride of the South Band and will be traveling with the football team to Dallas for a bowl game. The team is undeafted and is the state champion for the junior/community colleges.
We are thankful for our family, wherever they are located, and that they are healthy and living life the way that they are wanting/wishing/felt led to/or how they should or need to at this point in time in their life. We are thankful for the men and women serving their country for the rights and freedoms that we all enjoy in the United States. We all know that freedom is not free and that it is with the blood of all those past and present that have bought and paid for the freedoms originally fought for over 200 years ago by the founding fathers (and brothers, sisters, mothers, wives, etc.) of our beautiful country. Whether any of us, now or those in the distant past, agree with the skirmishes, battles, or wars that are fought, there are always those that are proud of our service men, stand behind them no matter what our personal feelings are toward the ensuing battles, and forever thankful that they continue to fight for our freedoms. I am proud to say that our family is part of that population--and several of our family members have been apart of those serving our country to keep our rights and freedoms for us.
Those of us either attending or working at school, are thankful for this time of vacation. We were all in need of this brief vacation time to spend time preparing for Thanksgiving and the over done, over advertised, over zealous, over commercialized portion of this next 4 weeks of waiting. These 4 weeks of Advent are when we should be most thankful for the season of the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
What ARK can you do today? What are you thankful today?
Sunday, November 11, 2007
So Much to Say, but Can't Seem to Say It!
It is very seldom that I am speechless and unable to say what I want to. The weekend we went to Florida for the death of my father-in-law, was a weekend that I would like to erase from memory--and things that have since commenced have not made that weekend any better. Things were said that should have been said by someone other than me 20+ years ago--but weren't then, and I blurted them out. Things got said that now others are holding against not only me, but my family. And if that is the case, so be it. I said NOTHING that was not truthful. I have been accused of not having any restraint--I beg to differ with them. I've held my tongue for over two years--hoping someone else would say them. I held my tongue until the day before we left--and by the point I couldn't handle it anymore, I wanted the person to know exactly how she made not only me but also my husband FEEL. And I have to say, that for someone that accuses me of attacking her verbally--she has no room to speak as she attacked me even more so at the time and has since then said that "we are through, done, finished." She told me she'd deny that she ever said anything to me if I told my husband--how can she deny it when she puts the message on a recorded voicemail that is easy to play back and listen to?
Now I know that through all of this it has to do with the perception of the speaker and the one hearing--I won't say listening. The person listening has the perception of being attacked and that I had "no right" to say anything and my husband should have "spoken up to stop me." My husband had the perception that he was allowing me to say what he has kept bottled up for 20+ years and he was unable to say any of it. I had (and still have) the perception that if my husband is being hurt emotionally that I can only take it so long before I "defend" him.
Was I right or wrong? Was she right or wrong? Was he right or wrong? At this point I believe the correct answer would be that in all, all three of us were both right and wrong. So I am in the quandry of having an "olive branch" supposedly put out and I am "supposed" to take it. The problem is, I don't know if, at this time, I can do that. I am still extremely ticked off about it all and it is taking a toll on both my husband and I (as he had problems accepting the olive branch as well). I can't just say, "I'm sorry" as I am NOT sorry for finally bringing to light the way she has made my husband feel for years. I am NOT sorry for expressing the way she and two other women made my husband and me feel the entire time we were there.
I think part of the problem is that we are so much alike in so many ways--especially personality wise. We are both, as she calls herself, the "alpha bitch" in each of our respective families. And when you get two alphas together, you know that there is bound to be a blow up sometime in the relationship. Now will the relationship ever return to the one that we shared before the blowup between us? I don't know. Am I supposed to just go "running back to her" and just apologize until I can no longer speak? I don't think so--although that is what she is expecting and what my husband sort of wants me to do. As he said, he wants me to do what I can, must, should, will--but he doesn't want it to take away from the person he married. I can't cower and take being made to feel worthless and a nothing any longer--I was made to feel that way for way too many years.
So how do I go about taking a step towards the "olive branch" and meeting in the middle? And for that matter, if she IS holding out the olive branch and saying that we should meet in the middle, why didn't she say it to me? Why did she call him and say we need to work this out and not call and leave the same message on my phone--she usually calls both phones and leaves a message on both if we are unable to answer phones at the time. So is she only extending the olive branch towards him or both of us?
OK, so for my title to be "So Much to Say, but Can't Seem to Say It!" I seem to have had a lot to say here. But the ability to say what all needs to be said to her eludes me in a way that won't make matters worse. What was said then, in my perception, is still true, is still there, is still in tact. Yet her perspective of it is totally different.
She says, "you weren't here" and "you don't know what actually went on" Well that is true--for everything she has told my husband and I was totally opposite of what we are now finding out was "true." But then, what is truth? Is truth reliant on someone's perspective? Is what is true to me in all actuality not truth? Is it only truth to the one that sees it or tells it? Isn't that why people claim that someone is "living in a fantasy world" when they say things that they believe is truth and everyone else sees it as fantasy?
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Cats & Dogs---family or just 4 legged pets?
Friday, November 2, 2007
When Did It Become "Our" Job?
I came home today and decided that the yard needed to be mowed! And it really did need to be mowed--or maybe just the leaves and a few of the weeds taken care of. I thought that I could kill two birds with one stone--and actually I did, but I must be crazy for taking on that project. I used the bagger so that it would "vacuum" the yard as well! LOL There was some method to my madness though. Ever since Katrina and then a leak in the plumbing, we have a corner of the back yard that is now much lower than the rest of the yard, becomes a pond in heavy rains, and the yard is becoming lower than where the fence meets the ground--not good with 2 dogs in the back yard! So every bag that I collected got dumped in what seems to be a gradual sink hole! After 4 or 5 bags (filled to the rim and overflowing the bagger) the yard is almost up to the first of several different levels in the back yard. We'll see how that works (at least until the first good thunderstorm)!
Those of you that have green thumbs--as opposed to the brown or black thumb that I seemingly have--what is happening to my plants. In general, I do very little to/with my plants as I feel God is the best Gardener of them all. I figure He knows when they need water and when they don't. After all, he's been in the business of making the Earth green and fruitful for MANY years! So I don't put on all the extra fertilizers, weed & feed, change the soil, or give extra water to them unless we haven't had rain for a LONG time. And until the last few months, we've had beautiful plants along the front of my house. Now???? They are all either being eaten up with something that looks like coffee grounds or look like they've been burnt by a drought (from the bottom leaves and inner most leaves out to the outside or top leaves). It's really weird looking. One of the plants that had sat in a pot for seemingly forever and was doing beautifully, started dieing as soon as I planted it. I figured it would have thrived now that it had room for its root system instead of being strangled and getting root rot in the pot. I had a camilia bush that bloomed all summer long (July through mid October)--and none of the other plants did--but the camilia normally blooms in the spring, not summer. What is going on with my plants? Any ideas?
Thursday, November 1, 2007
All Saints' Day--How Appropriate!!!
All Saints' Day, feast of the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches, and day on
which churches glorify God for all God's saints, known and unknown. It is
celebrated on Nov. 1 in the West, since Pope Gregory IV ordered its church-wide
observance in 837. Its origin lies earlier in the common commemorations of
martyrs who died in groups or whose names were unknown, which were held on
various days in different parts of the Church; over time these celebrations came
to include not only the martyrs but all saints. During the Reformation the
Protestant churches understood “saints” in its New Testament usage as including
all believers and reinterpreted the feast of All Saints as a celebration of the
unity of the entire Church. In medieval England the festival was known as All
Hallows, hence the name Halloween [=All
Hallows' eve] for the preceding evening.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2007, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. Found at: http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/society/A0803428.html
Now that we have discussed what All Saints' Day is; the following information that I found on one of my feeds really makes this event happening on All Saints' Day so appropriate. Now my question is--Did God plan it this way? Did Michelangelo plan it this way? I highly doubt that one--as he was no longer in the best condition by the time he finished it. He was almost blind from all the paint and oils that fell into his face/eyes while lying on his back painting. But he may have planned it that way--making the finishing touches "drag out" so that it would be finished on November 1st. At any rate, read on... compliments of The Free Dictionary.
This Day in History: Ceiling of Sistine Chapel Completed (1512)In 1508, PopeThis Day in History provided by The Free Dictionary
Julius II commissioned Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
The work was completed in 1512 and features over 300 biblical figures and nine
episodes from the Book of Genesis. Below these scenes are the statuesque figures
of prophets and sibyls, with episodes from the Old Testament in the spandrels.
The last great work Michelangelo executed in the chapel was The Last Judgment.
Where in the chapel did he paint it? More...
If you have never seen the Sistine Chapel, you have missed the site of a life time. When I was a sophomore in high school, I went with people from the base chapel where we lived in Germany. My mother and I took a week-long tour of Rome--sponsored by the Catholic priest stationed at the base--as the other Protestant chaplain that was stationed there was on the tour with us, Dad could not go on the tour with us. We visited the catacombs and saw so much of Rome outside of the Vatican.
But the best part of the tour really was getting to go to the Vatican and tour the Sistine Chapel. In addition, we were invited to take part in a mass inside the Vatican, with 3 of our group chosen as acolytes. While there we also were able to sit in the front row of one of the open mass with Pope John (whatever number he was--I can't ever remember--if it helps you, this would have been in late 1976 or early 1977). As exciting as it was to be present at a mass presided over by the Pope, it still did not live up to the solemnity, reverence, beauty, spirituality, and so many more adjectives that I could add, of the Sistine Chapel.
Obviously, as long ago as that was, it was LONG before the restoration project. Yet it was beautiful. I think we could have spent hours and hours in there and I never would have seen as much of it as I would have liked. My husband went to Rome while he was deployed a few years ago. He saw it after it had been restored and like me, could not say enough about it. Of course, he was with a group of sailors that didn't exactly have the time to stop and look for too long. But all of them agreed that it was the highlight of their trip.
Amidst all of the controversy about the body parts that were later "covered" by another artist who was dubbed as the "breeches painter" because he clothed many of the males genitilia; Amidst all of the controversy about the restoration; Amidst all of the controversy about the varnish, electric lighting, candles and natural lighting---the Sistine Chapel remains one of the most well known pieces of art, one of the largest pieces of artwork, one of the most beautiful pieces of art, one of the most controversial pieces of art, and one of the most spiritual pieces of art.
I truly believe that Michelangelo was given the talent and the vision for the artistry in that chapel by God himself--of course the talent was given to him by God; but not all would agree that his vision was given by God. So in honor of all of the saints that have gone before us and in honor of Michaelangelo's finishing the work, I hope that this All Saints' Day has been one of reverence, rememberance, and prayers for those that have gone before as well as for those who are still among us that may precede us or may follow us to our place next to God. May God be with each and all of you today and always.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
How to Change the World....
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Small, Blue, Sweet, Always Happy--The Smurfs
History "Johan & Pirlouit" Peyo wrote a Franco-Belgian comics serial in Le Journal de Spirou called "Johan & Pirlouit" (translated to English as Johan and Peewit). The setting lies in the Middle Ages in Europe. Johan serves as a brave young page to the king, and Peewit (pronounced Pee-Wee) functions as his faithful, if boastful and cheating, midget sidekick. On October 23, 1958, Peyo introduced a new set of characters to the "Johan & Pirlouit" story. This alone caused no great excitement, as the brave duo constantly encountered strange new people and places. This time, they had the mission of recovering a Magic Flute, which required some sorcery by the wizard Homnibus. And in this manner, they met a schtroumpf. The figures soon proved to be a huge success, and the first independent smurf stories appeared in Spirou in 1959, together with the first merchandising. With the commercial success of The Smurf empire came the merchandising empire of Smurf miniatures, models, games, and toys. Entire collecting clubs devote themselves to collecting PVC toys.
Schtroumpf/Smurf origins"Schtroumpf" is an invented word. The way of saying "Schtroumpf" in French is quite simmilar to the German word "Strumpf" which does mean "sock" in English. According to Peyo, the word came to him as he asked André Franquin for salt during lunch and, struggling to find the word that eluded him, finally managed to say "passe-moi le schtroumpf" ("pass me the smurf").[1] It would later be translated into nearly 30 languages and, in some of those languages, "schtroumpf" became "smurf" (see The Smurfs in other languages). The word "smurf" was first used in Dutch, as the comics were simultaneously published in French (in Spirou magazine) and Dutch (in Robbedoes, the Dutch translation of the magazine). In any case, the tiny blue people proved a sudden hit, commercially speaking, and quickly moved into their own comic series which became a tremendous success. In several interviews, Peyo stated that the Smurfs was his favourite series in the early sixties, but later his own preference went to his "Johan & Pirlouit" series, and he sometimes expressed exasperation with the overbearing success of the Smurfs.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
The Stress and Tension of Families
Friday, October 19, 2007
The Loss of Grandpa Bob
After numerous years of illness, the city of Deerfield Beach, Florida lost a beloved son on Wednesday, October 17, 2007. Robert Edward Louderback was born July 9, 1932 to Ellen Jones and William Louderback in Haddonfield, New Jersey. In the 75 intervening years between his birth and his death Bob led a very full life that included two wives, 4 children, and 6 grandchildren.
Bob is survived by sons from his first wife Joan Colleluori, David Louderback, John and Lynn Louderback and their son, Chase. He is also survived by his second wife, Kathleen Louderback, daughter, Dr. Cheryl Roberts and husband Bob Wilbur, son, David and wife Shelly Roberts and their children, Zachery Roberts, Adam and his wife Beth Gibbs, Janyce Gibbs, Athena Roberts, and Tim Gibbs.
Throughout Bob’s life, he was an active patriot of the United States. He spent 22 years serving his country in the United States Air Force. His most memorable experience from his years in the military was serving under Dr. Edwin “Buzz” E. Aldrin (retired Col.), former astronaut for NASA and Commander of the Test Pilot School at Edwards Air Force Base. Bob spoke very fondly of the years he spent with Dr. Aldrin. A fellow New Jersey native and their interest in their country and the space program made for a natural friendship to transpire.
Following his retirement from the Air Force in 1972, Bob spent the following 23 years in the construction industry in the Miami and Boca Raton areas of Florida. He helped construct many of the structures in those areas built within that 23 year span. His ability to “see” what could be made out of the scrap materials at a construction site was unique and genuine. He was a creative craftsman, building many of the pieces of furniture and cabinets throughout the years in his home. He was able to design and construct many useful “gadgets” around the house—not getting credit for many of the designs that have since been “discovered” by others with patents gained for them. The fact that he never had patents on any of his ideas did not stop him from continuing to putter around with this idea and that. Even as recently as two-years ago, he was still designing things for his son and grandson to build while they were living with him after Hurricane Katrina displaced them temporarily from their home.
His retired life was not one spent as a sedentary citizen just biding his time. He was active in the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), the American Legion, the Elks Lodge and he was a 32nd degree Mason. In addition, he was very active in city politics. Although he was not an elected official, most all elected officials of Deerfield Beach knew Bob and knew his opinions on any issue. He was an avid letter writer and would always put in his “two-cents” worth on an issue, either for against it. He was also on a first name basis with many of the elected officials, never thinking twice about picking up the phone to inform them of issues that should be considered or those that should not be even brought up at city council meetings. In addition, he was a former Board Member for the Gates of Hillsboro. He spent 10 years serving in various positions on the board and continued to support the board and voicing his opinions even after his departure from the board.
Throughout his years of retirement, he and his wife, Kathleen could be seen at Dog Shows across the state of Florida. Bob and Kathy were very proud of the Doberman pincers that they raised and took to dog shows. Even at the end, they shared the love of two Dobies, Taz and Vegas that were always by his side. He no longer took his Dobies to the dog shows, as the stress and tension involved in the shows became too much, but his love for the dogs never failed.
Bob could be seen at least one day each weekend and often 2 or more days a week, on the water with a fishing pole in his hand. He loved to fish—whether it was salt water fishing, fresh water fishing, in local lakes or rivers, in the waters off the Gulf Coast or traveling abroad to fish. Often, the vacations for Bob and Kathy were planned around fishing areas or tournaments.
Although he was an avid sports fisherman, he was even more passionate about the conservation of wildlife and saving the Everglades. It was very common for Bob to be involved with fund raising efforts that went towards conservation efforts. He could also be heard educating others in and around the community as to the effects of the “raping of the Everglades”. As with local issues, he wrote many letters and encouraged others to voice their opinions to those with the authority to act to save the Everglades.
Bob was also an enthusiastic poker player. He often boasted that he could play at the level with the professional poker players. Many that have played against him would agree. Many of his vacations in the last several years were to Las Vegas where he could join in poker games with high stakes. He also spent many vacations at the casinos in Biloxi, Mississippi, where he could combine his love of poker with the love of his grandchildren who live there. He didn’t spend all of his time at the casinos playing poker—he could also be found in local poker games and thoroughly enjoyed watching the professionals play on television once his illness made it more difficult for him to sit for long periods of time to play.
Although currently arrangements are incomplete, the proposed Celebration of Life Service will be held at the American Legion Post #162 on November 3, 2007, upon the return of the Legion’s Commander to oversee the service. There will not be a formal memorial or funeral; however, the Celebration of Bob’s Life will be open to friends and family. In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate a donation to the charity of your choice instead. Sometime after the Celebration of Life, the closest friends and family will gather on the water in an intimate ceremony to spread Bob’s ashes; allowing him to share his final resting place among the waters and areas that he wanted to spend the most time in and to conserve.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
All in a Day's Work
I really hated being couped up all day--hence another reason to open all the windows. At least it let all the pretty sunshine and the cooler weather inside while we were painting. Of course I love the smell of a freshly painted room--not to mention when something is freshly painted it doesn't look like old and ragedy! The walls no longer have grimey fingerprints all over them. The window sills, baseboards and doorframes are grease and grime free and best of all, dust free!!! Of course that won't last long.
But the best part of the day was when we were waiting for the first coat to dry enough to put on the second coat (and yes, it did dry that fast!) I started going through some of the free online resources that I found for teachers (especially for spedsters, but a lot of the resources are good for all levels of general education as well). There is a fantastic resource that allows you to use either current pictures on their site or upload your own. Then you or your students can talk about the picture--perfect for finding out what a student knows or doesn't know when they have troubles putting their thoughts on paper. It also gives the students (or teacher) the ability to post/type in their thoughts and ideas about something. For those that can neither talk or write, but can draw--or even just scribble or have hand-over-hand assistance, a special pen is used to "doodle" on the pictures. It can then be saved to the site. The teacher has the ability to moderate anything any of the students (or anyone else) puts onto the site. It also has the option that only those in your class, or school or even just you and the student can see. So if you're worried about the entire internet world seeing the pictures or what you or your students have to say about them, Don't! I think the very best part of the entire deal is that if you are an educator (and you have to use your school email address and agree to a couple of other terms--that are easy enough) it is FREE!!!!
It is called Voice Thread Pro, and you can go to this site to find out more about it: http://paulhami.edublogs.org/2007/10/13/voicethread-pro-online-resource/ I really hope that you are able to go to this site and are interested in it. Am I going to gain anything if you do? No, unless you opt to share your voice threads with our group so that we can see how they work with your students or parents or other teachers. I plan on trying to get to this site from the school--with my luck, even though it is an educational site AND it has the word " blog" within it, it will probably be blocked as well. I really think this is a really cool tool--and wouldn't it be great, Doyla, to document the students' feelings and abilities with this for the MAA? (BTW, for those of you who don't know, that is the Mississippi Alternate Assessment).
Ok, I'll get off my soap box about this. I haven't even used it, but I'm excited about it just from the description and the ability to see how it works.
Hope all of you had a great weekend--since it was beautiful weather. Stephanie and Jay, I hope your bands did well if you took them to the Gold Medal Classic. Here's hoping all of your teams won this weekend.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Do You Remember Me?
Hope you will take a few minutes to watch. The following is the hottest thing on the internet and on Fox News today. Lizzie Palmer who put this YouTube program together is 15 yrs old. There have been over 3,000,000 hits as of this morning. In case you missed it, here it is. Watch all of it.......and, pass it on!!
Those Were the Days--Or Were They?
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Is it Friday YET????
I'm not saying that the parents don't love them. I'm not saying that the parents don't care what their children do. I'm not saying anything against the parents. I just know the mentality of several parents in our schools think that if the child is a special needs child that they should not be told 'NO", should not be disciplined, should not be expected to do too much, should be allowed to do what they want just to make them happy. However, that attitude is what defeats the purpose of all that we try to do at the schools to make them as independent and "normal" as their general education peers. It is that kind of parental attitude when the children are young that totally ruin and make the child uncontrollable, unbearable, unmanageable, and down right nasty as they grow to be teenagers and adults. When the "cute" little kids do things and are not disciplined or taught right from wrong, then when they get to be larger than you, how will you control their actions? It is just down right aggravating. OK I'll get off my soap box now!
So in essence, in answer to my question--NO, but it is almost Friday (especially since there is only 1 more hour before it is Friday morning!). That means today is/was Thursday. It also means that we went to see our daughters in the Band of Gold at one of the last two remaining games at the MGCCC campus. The game was a close one; ending in overtime with the Bulldogs defeating Northwest MS junior college 27-20. The Band of Gold performed a musical tribute to Star Wars. I must say, I was very impressed with their performance. Of course, I have seen bits and pieces of it (well at least the flag routines) as one daughter comes home to practice each weekend. Of course, by going to the game we missed Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy and whatever the show after that is (Big Shots?????). but that is perfectly fine. Watching my daughters perform and perform so well is well worth missing the "favorites" on TV. My own children can out do and will come first any time on the priority list--especially when comparing to TV!!!!
And if Today is Thursday, that means tomorrow will be Friday! Hip Hip Hooray! Maybe we will be able to get through the day without any major tantrums and we can start over on Monday. And as tired as I am tonight and before Cindy's carriage turns back into a pumpkin with little mice falling off the sides and back of the "carriage" and with the dog no longer able to be a footman, I am going to say good night and I'll see you all in your own Blogs, the discussion board and maybe even in a Wiki!?!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
"Monday, Monday Oh What a Day"
Karen Davidson-Travis
16037 Grafe Homestead Road
228-623-2888 / 228-239-0560 / 228-588-0709
www.theponypatch.net (Site is Under Construction)
Email: theponypatch@bellsouth.net
Monday, October 8, 2007
What's in a Name?
So is it the name that makes the person or the person that makes the name? I really could not tell you the answer to that question. I have my theories. In most cases the person makes the name into what it provokes in people. When someone says "George Washington", what comes to mind? Proud. Patriotic. Founding Father. Strict Disciplinarian. Shy. General. There are so many things that come to mind. It was the man that made his name known as all of these things. He and the people around him made his name one that even elementary school children will tell you, "He was our first President." The name "John Smith" on the other hand means a world of different things. If one is a historian, one might think of John Smith as a great leader that brought the Indians and the English together. To movie buffs, John Smith might bring visions of Brad Pitt in Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Others might think of it as just a name to tell someone when you don't want them to know who your really are. So I suppose the answer is both! What is your take on it?
All of this to answer someone that asked me "What is Dragon's Dolphin?" I have so many names that I am known by--legal name, knick name, first husband's last name, second husband's last name, a hyphenated combination of both last names, screen names, ebay ID name, none of which are really the same. But in the realm of privacy and not wanting to let everyone that has access to the internet who I really am--Dr. Lecter you should be proud--I have called myself Dragon's Dolphin. For those that know me very well, they would say that I have been known by this name for 2 years. It is the combination of the item my husband collects and the item I collect. He is often referred to as Dragon and I as Dolphin. Therefore, I am Dragon's Dolphin. No I'm not his possession, but it would be the same as saying "I am Sam's wife." And no, my husband's name is not Sam. So now "you know the rest of the story." Thank you Paul Harvey for making that a line that would almost ultimately bring your name to one's mind.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Another Sunday....
Cruisin’ the Coast Child Development Center Style
The Harrison County Child Development Center joined the Mississippi Gulf Coast
in its annual Cruisin’ the Coast on Friday, October 5, 2007. Thanks to a suggestion by one of the staff members, the classes were given the opportunity to build their own classic cars that were judged on their originality and the most authentic to the design and style of the original car. Cars that were made included two cars made as the ’57 Chevy, ‘55 Pink Cadilac, classic fire truck, ’31 Ford truck, ’37 Studebaker truck complete with operational lights, ’29 Ford Roadster, ’29 Ford Woody Station Wagon, the “prehistoric Barney Mobile”, ’57 Ford Mustang, ’57 Ford Thunderbird, a car to represent the 1909-1914 Model T Fords, ’58 Corvette and the ‘49 ZZ Top Ford Coupe.Two of the cars were made with the class students’ pictures incorporated into the
designs as passengers. Most of the cars used a combination of small and large cardboard boxes as their main chassis. Other cars were made around strollers or buggies that allowed for the students to ride in them. Other building materials included aluminum foil, poster board, bulletin board paper, foam pipe covering, Styrofoam, plastic cups, aluminum ashtrays, plastic plates, fabric, stuffing material or batting, and lots of paint and hot glue.The “Most Authentic” award winner, Ms. Robin Bates, Ms. Deanna Meyers and
thier class, was the miniature 1949 ZZ Top Ford coupe complete with driver,
steering wheel, gear shift, upholstered seats, fuzzy dice and engine. The “Most Colorful” award went to Mr. Mark Nagell and Ms. Heather Lindberg and their class with Elvis Presley’s 1955 Pink Cadillac, complete with flaming print upholstered seats. With the help of Mr. Jeff Holland, Ms. Sharon Malley and Mrs. Marilyn Hale and their class won the “Best Overall” award with their 1958 Corvette.Mrs. Vicki Carter, principal, presented each of the winners with a certificate of their award at the school’s Sock Hop. The students then “bopped ‘til they dropped” before returning to class and then to their buses. Several of the staff and students dressed in ‘50’s style apparel and enjoyed the music from the 1950’s to dance to. Ms. Betty Ann Albert and Ms. Terra Brazeale impressed the staff and students with their modified jitterbug. Mrs. Teresa Franklyn, the school’s Activities Committee Chairman, was the unofficial disc jockey for the dance.