Saturday, April 23, 2016

Another {almost full} Month Has Passed By Us

Here it is and we've had almost another full month pass by and I haven't gotten much better at posting have I?  And I can't even come up with any excuses as to why.  I could claim it's due to our 2 year old grandson coming home 2 weeks ago from the other grandparent's house with a hurt ankle and low and behold he came home from the ER with a full length splint on.  That changed to an ace wrap that then changed to a knee to toes cast all within a week. Yes, that did seem to put a kaputz on some sewing around here.

       Well apparently things are not going to cooperate with me with these pictures today.  So I'll just type around them.  The Tutu here was another project I had going that kept me from doing much quilting.  My adopted granddaughter turned one this last weekend!  I found this adorable design at Hooked on Applique with the Birthday Princess Tiara Numbers and embroidered it on this for Seraphina's first birthday.  She is SUCH a cutie pie! And she's definitely our little princess, so she had to have her own little tiara!

As you can see we took 2 of the four grandbabies over to see a man's train set up in his back yard that he allows special groups to come ride. Dave is part of our Model Railroad Museum staff and they are looking to set up an operation similar to this at the museum.  So several of the men went over to learn how to drive the train for passengers.  It was like watching a bunch of big boys with toys.  Of course, Dave said that it was just as much fun watching me on it as well.

In our Quilt Guild we had a fun challenge that was given to us in February and it was due the beginning of this month (ok, so not all of us got it finished at the beginning--me included).  The challenge was for us to  Choose a song title  and make a wall hanging (9 x 12) no bigger……..We will guess your song title .  The fun of all of this was to make it so that it wasn't totally obvious, but obvious enough so that you could guess it!

So do you think you can guess the song titles of these famous 1960's tunes?  I have to say, I didn't even know songs for some of them.  I did know the song for the others, but didn't get the the title without a couple of clues--it isn't the obvious answer that you think it is.

Our guild meeting is Tuesday night again and we're hoping to have more to share theirs then.  So, hopefully I can share all the answers then.  Mine is in the bottom right hand corner.  I have the binding now sewn on and the label printed, just not sewn on yet.  We are going to keep all of these together for our 2017 quilt show.  Seems strange that we just finished our last quilt show in October of 2015 (or seems like we just finished it) and here we're already planning the next one!

Our next challenge is due in just a couple of weeks and I know I will not get mine finished by our first Business meeting of the month.  Everything is to be geometric. Geometric fabrics and then a geometric pattern.

Mine will definitely be that.  I've chosen a pattern I've never attempted to do--it's on my Bucket List of patterns I've always wanted to try to do and have NO IDEA how to do it!  I've always love the Tumbling Blocks or Baby Blocks or whatever the majority of people call them.  I sent Dave to take the grandababies to their other grandparent's house last weekend and he came home with all kinds of Fat Quarters in an array of colors!  Not only that, he brought me the backing fabric as well--crayons in all the colors to match all the FQs!  So.....since then I've been "googling" and reading and YouTubing all there is I can find on Tumbling Blocks and Baby Blocks.  I think I might be able to do these fairly easily.  If you haven't heard from me in another year, you'll know I either pulled out all my hair and threw away all my machines and gave up quilting altogether, or something worse happened!  LOL

In the meantime, it is also getting close to the time dance pictures are about ready to be taken for my grandchildren.  And since one of my grandchildren that is dancing is a boy, guess who is making his costume?  Yep!  I'll be making his and the other little boy in the class along with him. Gee, seems I remember doing this for my son and the other boy (now young man) that was always in class with him through the years.  So I have 2 tuxedo pants and vests and long sleeve shirts and bow ties to make and 2 safari shirts and shorts to make.  No sweat!  After all, I have until May 7 to get them done.  The worst part will be finding buttons to match the colors of the shirts!

Until I'm back here again to give you an update on my latest projects--y'all just Keep On Stitchin'!

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