Friday, July 10, 2009

Update Part 2--The Grandbabies!

Let's see now, to the second part of the update, let me me switch to talk of the grandbabies. Well technically I guess you could say I still only have one granddaughter with a grandson on the way. But in my book, that is grandbabies!

My beautiful granddaughter is now 2 1/2 months old. Can you believe it? She's already 2 1/2 months old? WOW!!! And she has been an absolute pistol to her Mommy and Daddy! They have gone through 3 different types of formula and countless days and nights of keeping them awake and bound to tending her. There have even been days that Mommy has said that she'd let her come back with Aunt Gigi, Uncle Timmy, and Paw Paw when they leave from visiting just so that they can get some much needed rest. But enough of that, I'm sure what you're waiting for is PICTURES! Am I right?

And No, I haven't been able to find a way to go see her yet. Betweeen moving in, having a house guest for 2 weeks, getting ready for my daughter and friend to move in, I have not had a chance to leave the coast. I do get occassional updates on how she's doing when I can catch her Mommy or Grammie Kathy online. Good Lord willing and the creek don't rise, I'll be able to see her at Thanksgiving.

Now for word on my upcoming Grandson.
My daughter is now 27 weeks pregnant and we've been able to get some really good ultrasound pics of him. I thought the normal ultrasound pics were good. But when I saw the 4D ultrasound pics I just couldn't believe it! From what I understand these 4D pics are pretty much what the little one will look like at birth! They sure didn't have that kind of stuff when I was pregnant with her! She is finally able to keep most everything down--although she does have quite a bit of nausciousness still. But she can definitely tell when Austin is hungry or when he's had enough!

He gives her extra kicks and jabs at those times! I just sit and smile when she complains about "I have to pee AGAIN!" or "He's kicking my bladder." or other similar remarks. Then she just looks across at me and says, "I know, this is just pay back for all I did to you, right?" and I just smile!
She has been staying at her Dad's house but will be returning to live with hubby and I upon her return from visiting Kahli. She and her boyfriend (who is highly considering marrying and adopting Austin--since the biological sperm donor has made himself VERY SCARCE since he found out she was pregnant) will be moving into the house around the 20th. He is a really good kid and one that I have known for a while. He is waiting to marry her due to the fact that we'll lose the insurance on her that covers her pregnancy if he marries her earlier than delivery. But he has vowed to stay with her through thick and thin. So he can't be all bad, right?

OK OK so you want to see the pictures from the 4D and want me to stop talking. OK I will show you! Geesh, impatience! These first four were taken at the first 4D ultrasound try. Because his hands and the placenta were seemingly always inthe way, the technician asked us to come back in a week to get the remaining ones. Either way, I think that the ability to get that kind of detail is unreal when it is seeming still such a long time until we get to hold him.

These last pictures are the latest that were taken, and the end of the 4D pictures. At least in this session he was more cooperative. Although his umbilical cord wasn't. But look at those cute little smiles. Apparently the technician was tickling this time instead of just trying to jab and wake him up! Grampa got to go in for this session. I had been to the other ultrasounds, I thought he'd like to get a chance to see what his grandson was going to look like!


Carlotta said...

Hey Shelly, what beautiful grandbabies you have! Those 4D pictures are amazing. Wish I had that option when I was pregnant. Too bad the little one is giving Mommy and Daddy fits, but this shall pass. Glad to hear everyone's doing well.
~Tootles for now!

Barb said...

It makes you wonder how that baby can fit in there. You have an adorable are so lucky.

Jan said...

Hi, Shelly! Congratulations!!! And more congratulations!!!! How exciting!! I LOVE the photos...and the ultra-sounds!! Isn't it amazing!!!