Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Blog!

OK Now I am not the most computer efficient, computer literate person in town, but I generally can find my way around things.  So I came back to my blog here way back when thinking I would start trying to blog again.  And lo and behold, blogspot had changed to blogger and nothing I had could be found and it wouldn't allow me to post.  Instead of being persistent, I just started another blog--crazy right?  Same name, different host (?).  So for 2 or 3 writings (I doubt there were any more than that) I could be found at  Now if that isn't crazy enough, I just by chance happened onto this old blog.  So what to do?  Keep both?  Put the same post into both? I mean it really is a crazy idea of having 2 blogs by the same name. And I don't keep up with either one of them.  I could say I will do better this year, but we all know in actuality that probably won't happen.

Anyway, I've been fixing holes in the knees of my grandson's jeans.  Well, more specifically the oldest ones jeans that have now been handed down to cousins and brother.  But the oldest is the roughest thing on jeans I've ever seen.  Luckily, those coming behind him are not--so they get the now fancied up, Grandma designer jeans! 😂😂  Thanks to some really good stabilizer, a piece of fabric behind the hole and under the stabilizer, I have been able to machine embroider designs that cover these holes.

Yes, yes, I know that having holes in the jeans is supposed to be "in style" and they are the latest and greatest to buy with holes already in them.  And in all honesty, it was much more fun getting holes in your jean on your own instead of paying the big bucks for holes already put there!  But this grandma (although I am not OLD, just blessed with 10 grandchildren) just goes crazy when the boys wear these jeans with holes in them to school or heaven forbid try to get out the door to go to church in them!  But then again, that was how I was raised.  And thanks to great designer/digitizers like Dee Lamb, the Mad Crafter on Etsy; the Disney designs found on my machine already; designs I did myself; and I believe BFC Creations is the designer on one of them, my grand children have some great looking jeans to go to school in.
Here's what they look like:

Not too bad to wear are they?  Personally I think they are great!  Maybe I'll put some on my jeans even though they DON'T have holes in them!  Let people wonder if they are covering holes or if they are there for decoration.

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